Discover How to Unlock Your Child's Greatest Academic Potential

Listen below to learn the reason your teenager is not maximizing their potential.

They Are Alone 


Do any of the statements below describe your child?

“A” student but suffers from anxiety
B or C- student but should be an A student
Failing because they are not trying
Refuse to turn in homework without your assistance
Spends too much time on electronics
Aggressively responds to your questions about school

A recent study discovered, school-related discussions are the #1 cause of arguments between parents and adolescents.

Sure, parents argue with their children about hygiene and screen time, but the intensity of these arguments does not compare to academic-related discussions.

You may find yourself frustrated with your child as it relates to academics because you know they are not living up to their potential. However, you see your child’s intelligence every day…

So why can’t they focus on homework the way they focus on electronics?

“The tips and techniques that Dr.RJ taught me has helped me tremendously! Before high school, I did not care much about my grades but now that I am making A’s, I really like school. Dr. RJ has helped me with my organization and he showed me how to be more efficient with my time.”

Sahir Allison,15-year-old


What Have You Tried So Far?

Removing Electronics

Have they worked? No.

At times, it feels as though you have tried everything. You may be on the verge of giving up on your child.

It is natural to feel this way because if you have genuinely tried everything, then the solution to getting your child to care about school doesn’t exist.

So what will you do?

      • Will you continue to be frustrated and fight with your child, which could ruin the relationship?
      • Will you give up and allow your child to continue underperforming and academics, which could be devastating to their future?
      • Will you continue micromanaging your child, which hinders their development of specific skills
      • Will you continue to watch your child suffer from school-related anxiety, which could lead to depression?

My guess is if you are reading this, then you do not want to give up. Instead, you want to discover the solution to help your child maximize their full potential.

Well, there is one thing that you haven’t tried…

“At first I did not understand why my mom hired Dr. RJ. It wasn’t until I had my first coaching session that I realized that having a life coach is so important. Dr. RJ noticed that fear was limiting my growth. I did not participate in any extracurricular activities. I did not try when it came to homework and tests. I didn’t even try to make any new friends. After he worked with me to overcome my fear, things started to improve in my life. Now, I play hockey, I have a fun friend group, and I make all As!”

Brody Hughes, 14-year-old


The one thing you haven’t tried

After coaching over 5,000 teenagers, I can confidently say that every child can perform at a higher level.

When an adolescent is underperforming in academics, parents usually follow this strategy:

Step 1: Micromanagement 
Step 2: Punishments 
Step 3: Counselor/parent meeting 
Step 4: Tutor 
Step 5: More punishments 
Step 6: Rewards
Step 7: More punishments 

Looks familiar?

This pattern shows that a parent truly cares about their child and their future. The problem with this approach is that it rarely works, and most importantly, it destroys the relationship between the adolescent and their parents.
As a life coach for teenagers, I quickly discovered that the success principle is also true for teenagers.

What is the success principle?

Success is 80% mental and 20% strategy

Therefore, it makes sense why the current approach is not working. Parents and teachers have focused 100% on the strategy and 0% on the mental aspect. That means taking away your child’s electronics, hiring a tutor, and micromanaging their schedule will not work. These methods only impact the strategy, which makes up only 20% of success. 
Other methods that focus on the “strategy” include:
  • Increasing the number of hours your child studies
  • Changing the time of day your child studies
  • Cleaning their desk
  • Organizing their calendar
  • Monitoring screen time
  • Prioritizing tasks
  • Avoiding the habit of cramming
  • Color coordinating subjects

These methods are helpful, but they only contribute 20% of your child’s success.

In my ten years of coaching, I have mastered the mental aspect. While teachers and tutors are focused on the 20%, I have focused on the 80%.

After my coaching program:

  • A- Students no longer suffer from anxiety
  • B or C- student becomes A- students
  • F- students are now focused and motivated
  • Students no longer need their parents’ help to turn in assignments
  • Students are no longer addicted to technology
  • School-related discussions are now enjoyable.

“Dr. RJ helped me when life was most stressful. Before my SAT I was suffering from anxiety and depression. I honestly just felt stuck. I looked forward to my coaching sessions with Dr. RJ because he always helped me to see things in a whole new way. We worked through all of my issues (he calls them obstacles) and he gave me tools to use when I start to feel overwhelmed and anxious. By the way, I scored a 1510 on my SAT and I honestly believe that Dr. RJ had a lot to do with that.”

Libby Mitchell, 18-year-old


Hello, I’m Dr. RJ. I Am Your Teen’s Life Coach.

Before I tell you why I became a life coach for teenagers, I need to first tell you why I became an orthodontist.

You heard me right. I am an orthodontist 😁

When I was in high school, my guidance counselor asked me to pick a career. “What do you want to do for the rest of your life?” she asked.

I replied with the most common phrase used by all teenagers, “I don’t know.”

So she asked me a different question. “If you could make a difference in the world, what difference would you make.”

I thought about that question for a while. I knew she would not allow me to use that common phrase again.

I replied,“I want people to be happy. I would spread happiness.”

“Great! You have two options. You can be a comedian or you can be an orthodontist.”

(Life coaching wasn’t a career back then.)

My decision was easy at that point. I was not funny so I chose to be an orthodontist.

I thought to myself, “Smiles are the logo for happiness so why not be the guy who creates them.”

I never strayed from that path and in May of 2012, it was official. I was an orthodontist.

I enjoy creating smiles!

And I felt that I was following my life’s mission to spread happiness until May of 2016, something happened!

If you have never had braces then you probably do not know the celebration that occurs when braces come off. It is a happy occasion.

The patient is happy and sometimes crying tears of joy. The parents are happy. My team is happy and I am happy. This was the image that was in my mind that day in the counselor’s office when I decided that I was going to be an orthodontist.

But something happened. A few days later, I received a phone call from that parent telling me that her daughter was unhappy.

She knew I mentored teenagers so she asked if I could help.

“I would be happy to talk with her but it sounds like she needs a therapist.”

I had only mentored teenagers at that time. I wasn’t trained to handle a teenager who was struggling with depression.

But that wasn’t all, the next week the same thing happened again. This time with a different parent. And again I referred them to a therapist.

But that wasn’t it because the same thing happened a third time.

At that moment, I knew orthodontics, alone, was not going to be enough to fulfill my life’s purpose of spreading happiness among teenagers.

You see, if something happens once, then it is random.

If something happens twice, then it is a coincidence.

If something happens three times, then I need to pay attention.

So the moment after I spoke with the third parent, I immediately started to research how I could help these teenagers.

I was prepared to pursue a degree in therapy until all three parents told me that therapy was not helping their teen.

So I went back to the drawing board.

And that is when I discovered teen life coaching.

Today, I am happy to continue to spread happiness by creating smiles on the outside (as an orthodontist) and on the inside (as a teen life coach).

“After Alex joined his coaching program, I witnessed a transformation over four weeks. My son is much more motivated. I no longer have to fight with him about homework, and practice and video games. We are so grateful for Dr. RJ. After witnessing the transformation with Alex, I believe that every teenager could benefit from a life coach.”

-Adam DeLeon (Parent)


How Can I Help Your Teen

If there is a finite amount of time each day for a child’s academics, which area should you focus on the most?

  1. More strategies for your child to try
  2. How your child thinks 

By now, you know the answer. You want to focus on the mental aspect, which makes up 80% of your child’s success.

Therefore instead of more strategies, focus on these types of questions

  • What is my child thinking about before their test?
  • What is my child thinking about when they walk into their classroom
  • What is my child thinking about when it’s time to wake up for school
  • What is my child thinking about after turning in their assignments
  • What is my child thinking about after their exams
  • What is my child thinking about when their peers are discussing school.

Have you noticed a theme? It is essential to know what your child is thinking?

Their thoughts and beliefs are the most critical aspects when determining how successful your child will be.

  • If they think they hate school, then they will perform poorly.
  • If they believe school is a waste of time, then they will not try.
  • If they are fearful of tests, then they will suffer from anxiety.

Simply put, your child is underperforming in school because of how they think.

After only a year of coaching adolescents, I discovered this fact. Since then, I have created a program with the highest success rate in this country.
I would love to believe that the success I’ve had over the years is because I’m so gifted, but the secret behind my success is that I focus on the mental aspect more than anyone else.

Therefore, my program reflects the success principle.

In my program, your child won’t get a tutor.
In my program, your child will not learn different ways to solve equations
In my program, your child won’t learn acronyms to help them remember information for tests.

Instead, your child will have a different experience.

In my program, your child will learn how to choose empowering beliefs
In my program, your child will learn to manage their thoughts
In my program, your child will learn how to recognize and release destructive emotions 

But that’s not all,

In my program, YOU will learn how to communicate with your child about school.
In my program, YOU will learn how to change your thinking about your child’s intentions. 
In my program, YOU will learn not to be triggered by your child’s behavior.

That’s right; my coaching program includes parent coaching.

I discovered this need early in my career as a coach. Parents would try all the methods listed above without any success. The lack of success leads to frustration. Frustration always leads to a strained relationship.

Many parents believe that if their children were straight-A- students, all would be well. But, the fact is higher scores on tests will never fix strained relationships between adolescents and their parents. In my experience, resentment often remains after grades improve.

My program will improve your child’s grades, but more importantly, it will transform the relationship with your child. Therefore, my coaching program requires parents to participate.

99% of families who enroll in my program witness transformations in less than six months.


The Success Playbook

My coaching program consists of two main components, training, and coaching.

Similar to sports, players need training and coaching.

Through video trainings, adolescents and parents will have the ability to learn and train during a time that’s convenient to them.

Studies from YouTube reveal that video trainings have a higher knowledge retention rate than live face-to-face learning.

We have used this format for years since it is ideal for students and busy parents.

The second component is coaching. Each week, I coach adolescents in a group format. Group coaching is ideal for adolescents due to the positive peer influence phenomenon. In addition, we find that adolescents become more excited about coaching when they see a group of their peers participating (some teenagers prefer one-to-one interaction; therefore, we offer private coaching upon request).

Group coaching is also the ideal format for parents. Although each child is different, many parents struggle with the same issues. A group setting allows parents to feel supported while learning from each other’s experiences.


Investing in Coaching

Life coaching is similar to the average cost of therapy for one year.

Therapy (with health insurance coverage) costs between $2,193- $2,938.

Unfortunately, therapy does not guarantee any results even after investing this amount. Most teenagers quit after three years of therapy, even though they continue to struggle with the same problems.

Life coaching is results-based, which means you invest only once for a result.

With my program, your child will see results.

To specifically see how much life coaching will cost for your child and to discover if your child qualifies, schedule a consultation below:

Listened to Dr. RJ’s Parenting Podcast?

Here is what parents have to say!