Attention Parents: Is your teen unmotivated at school? Lacking confidence with friends or in the classroom?

No one expected 14-year old Max to turn his grades around. 

He was slipping behind his classmates… getting C’s, D’s, and F’s on his report card…

And his mom was desperate.

She had no clue why he was skipping his virtual classes… playing video games all day… and ignoring his homework.

Worst of all, she had no clue how to change his behavior. 

Every time she tried to talk to him…

They’d end up in a yelling match that ended with him running back to his room and slamming his door. 

“Is this it?” She thought, “Is Max going to end up with no job, no education, and working at a gas station for the rest of his life?”

When Max’s English teacher called her and told her that Max was on the verge of having to repeat freshman year… 

Max’s mom hit rock bottom. 

She cared about Max and loved him so much…

What was she doing wrong? Why couldn’t she help him become the man she wanted him to be?

Believe it or not, just 8 weeks later Max turned everything around.

He began getting straight A’s.

He was making friends…

Instead of bickering with his mom over chores and homework, he was doing them with a smile…

And it was all because Max’s mom discovered a brand new way of helping Max change the way he talked to himself.

My name is RJ and I’m a teen life coach.

I’ve coached 9,234+ teens and helped them improve their lives in school, sports, and in social situations.

And today…

I’m going to share my proven, psychology-based way for teens…

To boost their self-confidence…

Increase their self-worth…

And achieve more in school, sports, and social situations.

… in just 8 weeks

These transformations happen rapidly…

When your teen changes the way they control their emotions…

By switching their negative thoughts into positive thoughts

Best part? This works for teens of any background…

Just like Brody. H, age 14, who says

“At first I did not understand why my mom hired Dr. RJ. It wasn’t until I had my first coaching session that I realized that having a life coach is so important.

Dr. RJ noticed that fear was limiting my growth. I did not participate in any extracurricular activities. I did not try when it came to homework and tests. I didn’t even try to make any new friends. After he worked with me to overcome my fear, things started to improve in my life. Now, I play hockey, I have a fun friend group, and I make all As!”

Libby. M, age 18, who writes

“The tips and techniques that Dr. RJ. Taught me have helped me tremendously! Before high school, I believed that people did not like me so I did not talk much. Dr. RJ helped me challenge my fear. Now, I can be myself knowing that I have the power.”

These are just two of dozens of emails and text messages I get from parents and their teens each month…

Who RAVE about how their lives were transformed with coaching…

After they eliminated the fear and self-doubt holding them back 

And defeated procrastination… became motivated at school… and made better friends who were a positive influence in their lives.

And YOUR teen can too!

Tell me…

Have you noticed any of these worrying behaviors in your teen:

  • They’re quiet in their friend groups or bigger groups.
  • They’re playing too many video games instead of studying.
  • They’re making poor decisions and following their friend groups instead of thinking for themselves.
  • They’re not performing as well as they should in sports.
  • They’re hiding away in their rooms instead of spending time with you.
  • They’re stuck with “negative self-talk” and feeling like a victim.
  • They seem totally unmotivated and not being self starters.
  • They’re getting into conflict with you.

I know – it can be really frustrating…

The truth is the teenage years are very difficult…

Emotions can overwhelm them…social media can lower confidence, distract them and lower their self-worth

This makes them think negative thoughts…

Which can sabotage them in the classroom, in social situations, sports… and even at home

But keep reading because in the next 3 minutes I’m going to reveal
how you can easily remove this block…

It doesn’t even matter if your teen is painfully shy right now…

Is at the bottom of the class…

Has a bad friend group that’s no good for them…

Locks themselves in their room, playing video games all day…

Or all you do with your teen is fight and argue

Do what I show you today…

And your teen WILL change.

So please, pay close attention here…

Because I’m going to share how your teen can unlock their potential inside this presentation.

You see, contrary to what most people believe…
Success in life is often NOT about talent, tactics, or how much you know…
(Although those things certainly are important)

What usually separates those who excel…

From those who get lost in mediocrity…

Is what goes on inside their heads.

World renowned life coach Tony Robbins agrees…

As well as famed sports psychologist, Sylvian Guimon, who’s worked with pro-athletes like Tiger Woods, Mario Lemieux and many more.

Therefore, success is largely a mental game

And these days, the odds are stacked against your teen
more so than ever before

It’s all thanks to social media.

Which stalks your teen every second, of every day

Not only does it PUMP their brains with dopamine… getting them HOOKED like an addict to their screen… and messes with their brain chemistry

It also shatters their sense of self worth.

Because they’re constantly being bombarded with FAKE, photoshopped images of other people’s “better” lives…

That makes them feel like they’re “not enough”.

Now don’t worry…

I don’t suggest banning your teen from social media…

Not only is that unrealistic and will backfire…

It’s unnecessary because…

There’s a powerful way to radically boost your teen’s self-esteem no matter how shy or unmotivated they are…
… in just 3 easy steps

This is something that works even if they’re self-sabotaging right now…

By missing classes…

Doing naughty things with their friends like smoking…

Burying themselves in their rooms playing video games all day..

Refusing to do homework

Or even getting into bickering matches with you over chores and homework.

You see, after getting wild success with thousands of teens from all across North America…

I am confident that your teen WILL transform too.

So please, keep reading now…

I’m going to share inside this presentation my research-backed, proven method of unlocking your child’s greatest potential…
…so they live a life free of self doubt and anxiety.

This new method will silence the negative self talk in your child’s head… and open their eyes to their own value and unlimited potential.

… without you being a nag or getting confrontational with your kid

Once the fear holding back your teen is removed…

They will become the self starter and confident teen they’re destined to be.

This is also something that will help you connect more deeply to your child and help you form a rock solid bond…

Where your child spends more time with you, makes better decisions and lives up to their full potential

Don’t be surprised when your friends ask you what changed in your teen or what your “secret” is.

As you become the “go-to” parent for advice on teens.

Sound good? Great… put your phone down and grab a pen.

Because we’ve got A LOT to cover.

As mentioned earlier
I’m Dr RJ Jackson…

I’m married to my lovely wife x…

And we have two boys together, Jeremiah and Isaiah.

But I’m not only a family man…

I’m also an IPEC certified coach, through the university of texas…

And regarded by thousands of parent’s across America as the world’s leading teen coach.

Who’s radically transformed the lives of countless teens of every age and background.

But before all that…
I was an orthodontist putting smiles on teen’s faces

Ever since I was in school, I wanted to spread joy and happiness through smiles

You see, I noticed that my friends struggled with confidence issues…

And to tell you the truth… I was never the most confident teen either.

But since I was never the “funny guy” in class

I figured I’d become an orthodontist!

After all, smiles always seemed like the “logos” of happiness to me.


Even as a “smile doctor”…

I felt like I could be doing more to help teens.

Well, that’s when an idea sparked in my mind…

I decided to volunteer as a mentor to teens at my church

Every weekend, I’d work closely with teens helping them overcome struggles in their lives.

Over x months/years, I saw first-hand the type of issues teen’s go through today.

Things they’d NEVER feel comfortable telling their parents…

And I’m proud to say I was making a real impact in their lives.

To be honest, I never thought for a moment that I’d help teens professionally…
